Photo credit: Maine Health

A Matter of Balance is an evidence-based program designed to reduce the fear of falling and increase activity levels among older adults, teaching practical coping strategies to reduce this fear and increase activity levels by

  • promoting a view of falls and fear of falling as controllable

  • setting realistic goals for increasing activity,

  • changing the environment to reduce fall risk factors

  • exercise to increase strength and balance.

Held at the Lenox Community Center, 71 Walker Street, Lenox, MA 01240 Pre-registration is required, 518-637-5535 or adlcc@townoflenox.com

Sponsored by the Lenox Council on Aging


Dates TBD


The original program, A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns About Falls, was developed and evaluated by the Roybal Center for Enhancement of Late-Life Function at Boston University, with a grant from the National Institute on Aging.

In October 2003, MaineHealth's Partnership for Healthy Aging, Southern Maine Agency on Aging, Maine Medical Center's Geriatric Center and the University of Southern Maine received grant funding from the Administration on Aging to translate A Matter of Balance into a program that uses volunteer lay leaders